Korean Journal of Child Studies 2005;26(1): 203-216.
서평전문지에 나타난 그림책 서평 분석 연구
심향분 , 현은자
Reviews of Picture Books: A Content Analysis
Hyang Boon Shim , Eun Ja Hyun
Many picture books are published every year. Book reviews can play an important role in building knowledge about newly published book. This study analyzed data the coverage and content of reviews in journals with a view to helping librarians and parents become more aware of content and coverage of reviews for picture books. Variations of bibliographic and ordering information appeared among all journals. Most reviews typically included a plot summary and a general statement about the illustrations. Overall, journals provided more comments on literary elements than artistic elements. However, reviews provided insufficient information about the background of reviewers. Physical description of the books appeared in 8.81% of the sample.