Korean Journal of Child Studies 2005;26(1): 229-245.
프로젝트 접근법이 장애통합교실의 일반유아와 장애유아의 사회성발달에 미치는 효과
김수영 , 정정희 , 김주연
Effects of the Project Approach on Social Development of Children With and Without Disabilities in Inclusive Classrooms
Soo Young Kim , Chung Hee Chung , Joo Youn Kim
This study examines the effects of project approach to promote social development of children with and without disabilities in inclusive classrooms. Participants in this study were 22 children with disabilities and 86 children without disabilities enrolled in 4 classes at two inclusive daycare centers. The experimental group implemented the project approach and the control group followed a traditional early childhood curriculum. An ANCOVA was conducted with mean difference scores in pre- and posttests between experimental and control groups. Significant differences between control and treatment groups existed in social development of children without disabilities, but no significant changes were found in children with disabilities. From the findings, we inferred that the project approach is an effective curriculum model for inclusion. Implications for classroom practices and recommendations for future research were suggested.