또래집단괴롭힘 스트레스에 대한 피해아동의 대처전략 유형들과 그에 따른 외로움의 완화효과 |
김정민 |
Children`s Coping Strategies and Loneliness in Peer Victimization |
Jung Min Kim |
Abstract |
The present research studied children`s coping strategies by age, sex, and frequency of victimization and examined the relationship of coping strategies to loneliness in peer victimization. Participants were 434 children from the 3rd to 6th grades of an urban elementary school. Self-report data indicated seven types of coping strategies: cognitive distancing, adult support seeking, peer support seeking, negative problem solving, positive problem solving, internalizing, and externalizing. With increasing age, children used less adult support seeking and more positive problem solving. While girls used more adult and peer support seeking, boys employed more externalizing and negative problem solving. Children with higher victimization frequencies were more likely to use negative problem solving and internalization. Lack of strategies for seeking social support was associated with loneliness. |
Key Words:
peer victimization, coping strategy, grade difference, gender difference, victimization, Loneliness |
또래집단괴롭힘, 대처전략, 학년차, 성차, 피해 경험, 외로움 |