아동의 자아탄력성과 사회적 지지가 시험불안 및 학교적응에 미치는 영향 |
박정희 , 박정미 |
The Effects of Children`s Ego-Resilience and Social Support on Exam Anxiety and School Adjustment |
Jung Hee Park , Jung Mee Park |
Abstract |
The aim of this paper is to examine the effects of children`s ego-resilience and social support on exam anxiety and school adjustment. The subjects of this study were 534, 5`h and 6th grade students (275 boys and 259 girls) from the Pusan area. The results of this study revealed that the levels of Ego-resilience and social support correlated negatively with exam anxiety, and positively with school adjustment. Therefore the more ego-resilience and social support children felt that they had, the lower the levels of exam anxiety they experience, and the higher their levels of school adjustment. The influence of ego-resilience on exam anxiety was higher than that of social support and the influence of ego-resilience on school adjustment was similar to that of social support. The implications of the present study were also discussed. |
Key Words:
ego-resilience, social support, exam anxiety, school adjustment |
자아탄력성, 사회적 지지, 시험불안, 학교적응 |