부모간 갈등, 어머니의 지지 및 통제와 또래관계의 질이 고등학생의 문제행동에 영향을 미치는 경로
조주연 , 도현심
Pathways from Interparental Conflict to Adolescents` Problem Behavior through Maternal Support and Control and Quality of Peer Relationships
Joo Yon Cho , Hyun Sim Doh
The main purpose of this study was to examine pathways from interparental conflict to adolescents` problem behavior through maternal support and control and/or quality of peer relationship. A sample of 340 high school students (166 boys and 174 girls) in Incheon completed questionnaires on interparental conflict, maternal support and control, quality of peer relationship, and problem behavior. Data were analyzed by means of structural equation modeling. The results demonstrated that interparental conflict had a direct influence in both internalizing and externalizing problem behaviors, indicating that adolescents who perceived higher levels of interparental conflict had more problem behaviors. Regarding pathways from interparental conflict to problem behavior through maternal support and control and/or quality of peer relationships, adolescents perceiving higher levels of interparental conflict reported higher maternal psychological control and lower support and behavioral control. This was followed by a lower level of quality in terms of their peer relationships; the lower quality of peer relationships resulted in more adolescent problem behaviors. These results indicate that interparental conflict and maternal support and control play crucial roles in the development of internalizing and externalizing problem behavior, respectively.