그림책을 이용한 유아 창의극 활동에서의 유아 반응에 대한 탐구 |
최경 , 현은자 |
A Study of Creative Drama Activities for Young Children Based on Picture Books |
Kyoung Choi , Eun Ja Hyun |
Abstract |
The purpose of this study was to explore children`s experiences in a series of creative drama activities based around the use of picture books. The subjects were a total of 17 children 4 years of age. The research, implemented over the courses of 10 weeks, was integrated into their daily education curriculum. The children`s drama activities were collected by participant observation, field notes, audio and videotape transcriptions, documentation of the young children`s drama activities (eg. pantomimes, role plays & improvised expression, improvisations). The analysis reveals the following findings: 1) even shy and passive young children tried to participate in pantomime activities after reading books. 2) In role play & improvised expression activities, young children were immersed in the improvised situation and spontaneously expressed their emotions and thoughts as actors without the use of any scripts, in an impromptu manner. 3) In improvisation, young children collaborated with other children to create the improvisation by extending or transforming the content of the picture books through their own ideas. |
Key Words:
picturebooks, creative drama, young children, pantomime, role play & improvised expression, improvisation |
그림책, 창의극, 유아, 무언극, 역할극과 즉흥 표현, 즉흥극 |