다문화가정 유아의 유아교육기관 적응에 영향을 미치는 유아 개인적 요인 및 환경적 요인간의 구조적 관련성 분석
Structural Analysis of the Relationship between Personal and Environment Factors on Adjustment to Early Childhood Educational Institution of Young Children in Multi-cultural Families
Sun Hee Kim
This study explores the structural relationships between personal factors (young children`s self-esteem and language ability) and environmental factors (mother`s acculturation, parenting, and teacher`s multi-cultural education attitude) on young children`s adjustment to early childhood educational institution in multi-cultural families. 150 young children in multi-cultural families of aged 3, 4, and 5, their mothers, and 108 classroom teachers participated in this study. The results of this investigation reveal the following: (1) Mother`s integrative acculturation significantly affected mother`s parenting. (2) The relationship between mother`s acculturation and young children`s adjustment to early childhood educational institution in multi-cultural families are significantly mediated by mother`s parenting and the young children`s self-esteem. (3) Young children`s language ability in multi-cultural families significantly affected their degree of adjustment to early childhood educational institution.