The Effect of Group Sandplay Therapy for Children`s Self-concept Construction and Ego-development Enhancement
Seung Eun You , Boo Jun Park
This study was conducted in order to inquire into the impact of children`s self-concept construction and ego-development enhancement during Group Sandplay Therapy. The Group Sandplay Therapy sessions were held once week, for a total of 20 weeks. The Group Sandplay Therapy Process consisted of playing with sand and creating a sand tray in groups. There were two group in total. Each group had 4 children of the same sex aged from six to seven years old. In order to study the self-concept and ego-development, we used a self-concept test and ego-development as a research tool. In addition, the present research analyzed any changes which tool place by dividing each aspect in each sand tray of the therapy process into a positive subject and a negative subject, and analyzed the changing patterns seen in the sand tray worldas it unfolded. It was proven that an efficient treatment in changing the sand tray world and children`s action, had an effect on rearranging the children`s mental schemas. In terms of the progress of the sandplay journey, it was seen that negative elements decreased dramatically and positive elements were observed to have increased. As a result it was confirmed that Group Sandplay Therapy had a number of positive effects in the construction of children`s self-concept and in terms of the enhancement of children ego-development.