Attachment Representations in Korean-American Mothers and Their College Students: Intergenerational Transmission
Goh Eun Lee , Young Lee
The purpose of this study was to examine the first generation Korean-American mothers` attachment representation as well as the attachment representation of their second generation Korean-American college students. The subjects consisted of 25 first generation Korean-American mothers and 27 second generation college students residing in Los Angeles. The Adult Attachment Interview (George, Kaplan, & Main, 1985) was used for assessing attachment representation patterns. The results of this study were as follows. First, 36% of the subject mothers were classified as secure, 64% were insecurely attached and there was no unresolved/disorganized pattern in the insecure group. Second, 33% of the subject students were classified as secure. 67% were insecure on the AAI, and there was 4% unresolved/disorganized patterns in the insecure group. Third, a difference of 76% was found between the correspondence between the first generation Korean-American mothers` attachment representation pattern and the attachment representation of the second generation Korean-American college students.