An Inquiry into Typically Developing Children`s Interaction Strategies with Young Children with ADHD According to Gender
Ju Youn Kyun , Kai Sook Chung
The purpose of this study was to examine the interaction strategies used by typically developing boys and girls in their dealings with young children with ADHD in free play situations in inclusive classes. This was done in order to gain an in-depth understanding of the meaning of their interaction strategies. The subjects were 52 typically developing children (comprising 27 boys, 25 girls) and 3 young children with ADHD. The findings were as follows: First, the overall frequency of interaction strategies with the young children with ADHD was greater among the young female children (n = 372) than the young male children (n = 298). Second, when the utterance strategies of the male and female children were sub-categorized, both the male children (79.5%) and the female children (57.0%) mostly made use of avoidance strategies, one of the typical withdrawal strategies. Third, the interaction strategy of control represented 42.0 percent and as such was identified as the most prevalent interaction strategy utilized by the young male children studied. In the case of the young female children, obliging strategies were the most common interaction strategies representing 33.1 percent of the total used. In the light of the findings yielded from this study, some educational recommendations are provided.