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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 33(1); 2012 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2012;33(1): 165-181.
doi: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2012.33.1.165
Orff 접근법에 의한 음악활동이 유아의 음악표현 능력에 미치는 영향
권오선 , 이옥주
The Effects of the Orff Approach to Music Education Programs on Young Children`s Musical Expressiveness
Oh Sun Kwon , Ock Joo Lee
The purpose of this study was to verify the effects of the Orff Approach to music education programs on singing ability, the ability to play musical instruments, physical expression ability, musical improvisation ability as well as overall musical expressiveness in 5 year old children. The test subjects for this study consisted of fifty-eight children. They were arbitrarily assigned to the experimental group of 31 children and the control group of 27 children. The experimental group was engaged using the Orff music education program for a total of 16 sessions, while the control group conducted music activities according to the annual music education plan of M kindergarten. The main results of this study were as follows:The Orff Approach to music education program was effective in improving abilities in the sub-factors of the four kinds of musical expression ability (singing, playing musical instruments, physical expression and musical improvisation) as well as overall musical expressive abilities. These results indicate that the Orff Approach to music education programs can create positive effects in the developing musical expressiveness of young children.
Key Words: Orff 접근법, Orff Approach, Music education program, Young Children`s Musical expression ability
주요어: 음악활동, 유아의 음악표현 능력
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