아동학회지 : 어머니의 특성 및 자아인식이 양육스트레스에 미치는 영향 |
김진경 , 김헤라 |
Contents : The Effects of a Mother`s Characteristics and Self-awareness upon Parenting Stress |
Jin Kyung Kim , He Ra Kim |
Abstract |
The purpose of this study was to focus on the effects of a mother`s characteristics and self-awareness as they impact upon parenting stress, with the additional aim of creating an appropriate structural equation model. The subjects of the study comprised 2078 newborn children (and their mothers) taken from the 1st year of the Korea Children`s Panel. The results of the research are as follows. The mother`s feeling of pregnancy, her income activity, religion, and educational level impacted significantly upon self-awareness, whereas employment status did not, In addition, the feeling of pregnancy and income activity had a effect on parenting stress both directly and indirectly. Educational level and religion impacted on parenting stress indirectly through self-awareness, Both employment status and self-awareness were found to have impacted on parenting stress directly, The implication of these findings are also discussed. |
어머니의 특성, 자아인식, 양육스트레스 mother`s characteristic self awareness parenting stress |