아동학회지 : 청소년 자녀가 지각한 부부갈등, 청소년 문제행동 간의 관계에서 아버지 의사소통유형의 매개효과 |
우연희 , 이종각 , 문수백 |
Contents : The Mediating Effects of Father`s Communication Patterns on the Relationship between Marital Conflict and Adolescent Problem Behaviors |
Yeon Hee Woo , Jong Kak Lee , Soo Back Moon |
Abstract |
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the structural relationships between adolescent problem behaviors and related variables. The subjects of this study consisted of 250 to second graders from a middle school in S city in the Gyeongbuk province of South Korea. The sample variance-covariance matrix was analyzed using AMOS 20.0, and a maximum likelihood minimization function. The results were as follows:First, marital conflict in terms of the father`s open communication model indicated both a direct and indirect effect upon adolescent problem behaviors. Marital conflict in terms of the father`s problematic communication model revealed an indirect effect upon adolescent problem behaviors also indicated that these behaviors were also mediated by the father`s problems communication. Second, a open communication style on the part of the father indicated a partially mediating effect on the relationship between marital conflict and adolescent problem behaviors. The problematic communication model on the part of the father revealed a very clear mediating effect on the relationship between marital conflict and adolescent problem behaviors. |
부부갈등, 청소년문제행동, 아버지의 개방형 의사소통, 아버지의 문제형 의사소통 marital conflict adolescent problem behavior father`s open communication |