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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 33(4); 2012 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2012;33(4): 1-17.
doi: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2012.33.4.1
초등학생 아동의 스트레스와 우울의 5년에 걸친 발달적 변화
박미현 , 박경자 , 김현경
The Five-year Developmental Trajectories of Perceived Stress and Depression in Korean Youth
Mi Hyun Park , Kyung Ja Park , Hyoun K Kim
This study examined the developmental trajectories of perceived level of stress and depression in Korean youth using longitudinal data from the Korean Youth Panel Study (KYPS) of 2,844youth (1,524 boys) across 4th grade through 8th grade. Latent growth modeling indicated the presence of age-related, significant increases in stress and depression for both boys and girls. Girls experienced greater in stress and depression than did boys. Multiple group analysis indicated that there was no significant sex difference in effects of stress on depression. Overall, increases in stress were associated with increases in depression levels for both boys and girls. Conceptual and clinical implications of the findings were discussed.
Key Words: stress trajectories, depression trajectories, gender difference
주요어: 스트레스 발달궤적, 우울 발달궤적, 성차
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