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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 33(6); 2012 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2012;33(6): 71-84.
doi: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2012.33.6.71
유아 의사결정력과 자기주도 학습능력 간의 관계 연구
A Study of the Relationship between Decision Making Abilities in Young Children and Self-directed Learning Abilities
Ji Young Park
The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between decision making abilities young children and their self-directed learning abilities. A survey was carried out using 160 young children in the J region. The collected data were analyzed by Pearson correlation and multiple regression techniques using the SPSS statistics program. The conclusions are as follows:First, decision making abilities in young children exhibited a positive correlation with their self-directed learning abilities. Second, decision making abilities in young children were an influential variable in terms of their self-directed learning abilities. As a result, decision making abilities in young children were an important variable in predicting their self-directed learning abilities.
Key Words: decision making ability, self-control ability, situation ability, emotion-application ability, problem-coping ability, referential communication ability, self-directed learning ability
주요어: 의사결정력, 자기조절력, 상황분석능력, 정서활용능력, 문제대처능력, 참조적 의사소통능력, 자기주도 학습능력
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