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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 33(6); 2012 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2012;33(6): 85-107.
doi: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2012.33.6.85
영아 놀이성 척도의 개발 및 타당화 연구
이종희 , 김연숙
The Development and Validation of a Playfulness Scale for Infants & Toddlers
Jong Hee Lee , Yeon Sook Kim
In this study, the Infants & Toddlers` Playfulness Scale(ITPS) was developed and its reliability and validity were examined. The participants in this study consisted of 656 parents whose children were 8 to 36 months old. Five factors were identified from the results of the exploratory factor analysis performed on the 29 items that had been derived by analyzing existing research. The Goodness of Fit Indices(GFIs) of the confirmatory factor analyses, performed on the 1st-order 5-factor model and the 2nd-order one factor model, were both satisfactory. Concurrent validity was established by the high correlations of r = .631~.808(p < .01) between each factor of the ITPS and the total score of the Children`s Playfulness Scale(CPS), an existing measure for children`s playfulness. The reliability of each factor, as measured by Cronbach`s α, ranged from .773 to .883. Consequently, the ITPS developed in this study can be seen as a reliable and valid scale that can be used by parents to measure the playfulness of their infants and toddlers in a multi-dimensional manner.
Key Words: Playfulness, Playfulness Scale, Infants and Toddlers, Scale Validation, Hierarchical Confirmatory Factor Analysis
주요어: 놀이성, 놀이성 척도, 영아, 척도 타당화, 위계적 요인분석
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