아동학회지 : 소도구를 활용한 신체활동이 만 3세 유아의 창의적 신체표현 능력과 신체적 자아개념 발달에 미치는 영향
오소라 , 서현아 , 하선혜
Korean Journal of Child Studies : The Effects of Physical Effort using Props on 3-year-old Children`s Ability in Relation to their Creative Physical Expression and Development of a Physical Self-concept
So Ra Oh , Hyun Ah Seo , Seon Hye Ha
This study proposes to find out what effects physical effort using props has on infants` ability in relation to their creative physical expression and physical self-concept. This study targets three-year-old preschoolers who attend S and T nursery located in Yeonje Busan of which 16 belong to an experimental group. The research tools used in the study are the creative physical expression test by Kim Eun-Shim(1994) which is the modified version of Bae Hyun-Suck`s testing tool(1990) and an altered version of the questionnaire focusing on physical self-concept by Whang Sun-Gack(2001). The experimental group is divided into a large and small sub-group and then physical activities involving props are done by these divided experimental groups once or twice a week for 12 weeks while outdoor activities are carried out with the comparison group once or twice a week for 12 weeks. For both groups a total of 20 experiments are done. To obtain answers to the research questions an individual version of the T-test is conducted using means and standard variations of the experimental and comparison groups. The results of this study are as follows : 1)the physical efforts of the experimental group using props reaped more positive effects as regards creative physical expression than the comparison group 2) the positive effect on the participants` physical self-concept is also more evident in the case of the experimental group.