아동학회지 : 부모의 양육행동이 유아의 사회적 적응에 미치는 영향: 의도적 통제의 매개효과를 중심으로 |
배윤진 , 임지영 |
Korean Journal of Child Studies : The Effects of Parenting Behavior on Preschooler`s Social Adjustment: Focusing on the Mediating Effects of Effortful Control |
Yun Jin Bae , Ji Young Lim |
Abstract |
This study explored the relationships between parenting behavior preschooler`s effortful control and social adjustment. The subjects were 351 preschoolers(174 boys 177 girls) and their parents. The major results of this study were as follows. First there were significant relationships among the factors analyzed in this research namely affectionate parenting behavior preschooler`s effortful control and social adjustment. Second preschooler`s effortful control mediated the effects of affectionate parenting behavior upon preschooler`s social adjustment. In conclusion this study revealed that parents` affectionate parenting behavior and a preschooler`s effortful control make a significant impact on the level of the preschooler`s social adjustment. Based on th findings of this investigation the implications of the preschooler`s effortful control were also discussed. |
Key Words:
social adjustment, effortful control, parenting behavior, mediating effects |
사회적 적응, 의도적 통제, 양육행동, 매개효과 |