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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 34(4); 2013 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2013;34(4): 19-36.
doi: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2013.34.4.19
소리의 전딸에 대한 이동의 개념 발달 연구
신은수 , 검은정
The Development of Concepts on Sound Propagation of Children
Eunsoo Shin , Eunjung Kim
This siudy examined concept development in children in ternlS of sound propagation. TIle subjects consisted of 240 five-, seven-, and ten-ye..`lr-old children from three kinderganens and two primary schools respectively. The instrument used for the purposes of this study was the examination insrrument on sound as developed by the SPACE Project in the UK The concepts related to sound were classified into five stages including: no recognition, egocentric concept, initial mental models, synthetic mental models, and scientific mental models. TIle results revealed the existence of significa.nt differences in teons of the types of concept that children were aware of, according to age and context. Most five-, seven-, and ten-year-old children revealed egocentric concepts related 10 every sound." drum, rubber band context, however, most five-, seven-, and ten-year-old children revealed their recognition of the synthetic models of sound propagation when using the string telephone context. These results have implications for the contents of science education for children when it comes to the development of concepts related to sound propagation.
Key Words: concept of children, mental models, sound propagation
주요어: 아동의 개념, 정신 모형, 소리의 전댈
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