부모의 심리적 통제와 아동의 도덕적 이탈이 또래괴롭힘 참여자 역할행동에 미치는 영향 |
김지미 , 김정민 |
The Effect of Parental Psychological Control and Moral Disengagement on Children`s Participant Role Behavior in a Bullying Situations |
Ji Mi Kim , Jung Min Kim |
Abstract |
The purpose of this study was to examine the mediating effect of moral disengagement concerning the parental psychological control on children`s participant role behavior in bullying situations. For the purposes of this research, a group of participants comprising total 541 students of fifth, seventh, eighth, tenth and eleventh grades from schools based in Seoul and Incheon were surveyed. As far as research methods are concerned, scales for parental psychological control, moral disengagement and participant role behavior in a bullying situation were used. The main findings of this research were as follows. First, by gender, there was a significant difference in participant role behavior in bullying. By grade, a significant difference was shown in parental psychological control, participant role behavior in bullying and moral disengagement. Second, variables affecting participant role behavior in bullying situations were found to be influenced by the types of role behavior respectively as well as by students` grade levels. Third, moral disengagement concerning the influence of parental psychological control on participant role behavior was found to have a full mediating effect on bystander behavior among elementary school students and bullying behavior among middle school and high school students. |
Key Words:
parental psychological control, moral disengagement, participant role behavior in bullying |
부모의 심리적 통제, 도덕적 이탈, 또래괴롭힘 참여자 역할행동 |