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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 45(4); 2024 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2024;45(4): 333-347.
doi: https://doi.org/10.5723/kjcs.2024.45.4.333
청소년이 지각한 부모의 합리적 설명과 공감의 관계: 부모애착과 자아존중감의 이중매개효과
박유경1 , 정다영2
1뉴욕주립대학교 교육심리학과 박사과정생
2인하대학교 아동심리학과 박사과정생
Relationship Between Adolescents’ Perceived Reasonable Parental Explanation and Empathy: Mediating Effects of Parental Attachment and Adolescents’ Self-Esteem
Yookyeong Park1 , Dayoung Jung2
1Ph. D. Student, Department of Educational & Counseling Psychology, University at Albany-SUNY, Albany, U.S.
2Ph. D. Student, Department of Child Studies, Inha University, Incheon, Korea
Correspondence :  Dayoung Jung ,Email: pyororong9@gmail.com
Received: June 13, 2024  Revised: August 23, 2024   Accepted: October 20, 2024
This study examined the relationship between empathy and parenting behavior among adolescents. Specifically, we examined the sequential mediating effects of parental attachment (maternal and paternal attachment respectively) and adolescents’ self-esteem on the relationship between reasonable parental explanations and adolescents’ empathy.
The study included 589 first-year middle school students surveyed in 2021 from the 14th Wave of the Panel Study on Korean Children, produced by the Korea Institute of Child Care and Education. The adolescents responded to questions on reasonal parental explanations, parental attachment, self-esteem, and empathy. Their parents responded to socioeconomic variables, and their teachers responded on adolescent’s academic performance. Data were analyzed using SPSS 28.0, PROCESS macro version 4.2, and Model 6 was used to examine the sequential mediating effects. Bootstrapping method was used to examine indirect effects.
Adolescents’ perceptions of reasonable parental explanations were relatively high, as was their attachment to their fathers and mothers. Adolescents’ self-esteem and empathy were slightly above average. Additionally, the results indicated that adolescents’ perceptions of reasonable parental explanations and their empathy had a positive relationship. Specifically, their relationship was explained through the mediation of attachment to both father and mother, and adolescents’ self-esteem, after controlling for adolescents’ gender, academic performance, and monthly household income.
These findings contribute to a deeper understanding of the internal and external factors influencing adolescents’ empathy, serving as a foundation for interventions aimed at enhancing empathy and suggesting policies to improve parenting behaviors and parent-child attachment among parents of adolescents.
Key Words: empathy, reasonable explanation, parental attachment, self-esteem
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