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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 45(4); 2024 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2024;45(4): 363-373.
doi: https://doi.org/10.5723/kjcs.2024.45.4.363
성장혼합모형을 활용한 청소년기 부모에 의한 학대의 종단적 변화 유형화 및 영향요인 검증
국제사이버대학교 아동가족상담학과 조교수
Classifying Longitudinal Changes and Examining Predictors in Abuse by Parents During Adolescence Using Growth Mixture Modeling
Young Mi Kim
Assistant Professor, Department of Child and Family Counseling, Gukje Cyber University, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
Correspondence :  Young Mi Kim ,Email: kimym@gjcu.ac.kr
Received: June 15, 2024  Revised: July 31, 2024   Accepted: October 18, 2024
This study aimed to explore distinct longitudinal trajectories of parental abuse during adolescence and to identify predictors that classify these distinctive latent class trajectories over time.
Data were sourced from waves 2 to 6 of the Korean Children and Youth Panel Survey 2010, covering a five-year period from 8th grade to 12th grade. A total of 2,313 adolescents were analyzed. Growth mixture modeling was used to identify different trajectories of parental abuse, followed by multinomial logistic regression to examine predictors that distinguish these trajectories.
The quadratic model provided the best fit, identifying three distinct trajectories: low-worsening, high-chronic, and moderate-declining. Key predictors that distinguished the chronic group from the worsening group included gender, smartphone dependence, aggression, and delinquency. Moreover, gender, smartphone dependence, aggression, and household income were significant predictors in differentiating the worsening group from the declining group.
The results emphasize the necessity for ongoing monitoring and intervention for adolescents who experience abuse by parents, regardless of whether it is chronic or mild, but worsening. Comprehensive interventions are essential to address the diverse factors that affect changes in parental abuse throughout adolescence. This highlights the importance of understanding both individual and familial factors in preventing and mitigating abuse.
Key Words: abuse by parents, adolescence, longitudinal study, growth mixture model, panel study of Korean childrean
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