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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 45(4); 2024 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2024;45(4): 397-411.
doi: https://doi.org/10.5723/kjcs.2024.45.4.397
미취학 아동 모의 개인 내적 및 관계적 특성에 따른 부모소명과 행복의 차이: 잠재프로파일 분석의 적용
여예인1 , 강예모2 , 임지영3 , 최예라4 , 양수진5
1이화여자대학교 심리학과 석사
2이화여자대학교 심리학과 박사과정
3이화여자대학교 심리학과 석사
4이화여자대학교 심리학과 박사과정
5이화여자대학교 심리학과 부교수
Exploring the Impact of Personal and Relational Characteristics on Parental Calling and Happiness Among Mothers of Preschoolers: A Latent Profile Analysis Approach
Yein Yeo1 , Yemo Kang2 , Jiyoung Lim3 , Yera Choi4 , Sujin Yang5
1M.A., Department of Psychology, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
2Ph.D. Student, Department of Psychology, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
3M.A., Department of Psychology, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
4Ph.D. Student, Department of Psychology, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
5Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Correspondence :  Sujin Yang ,Email: sujinyang@ewha.ac.kr
Received: June 15, 2024  Revised: August 18, 2024   Accepted: October 21, 2024
This study investigated various latent profiles determined by personal (grit and meaning in life), marital, and parent-child relationship characteristics (positive parenting style, parent-child interaction, marital stability, and marital communication). Additionally, this study evaluated the potential differences in parental calling and happiness among mothers of preschoolers based on latent profiles. Income was considered a covariate in the analyses.
A total of 422 mothers of children aged one to six were surveyed online. Descriptive statistical and correlation analyses were conducted using SPSS version 25.0, while latent profile analysis was performed using Mplus version 8.3.
Three profiles were identified among participants: (1) ‘Marital Maladjusted’ (15.3%) with low marital stability and communication, (2) ‘Personal and parental maladjusted’ (32.9%) with limited personal resources and weak parent-child relationship, and (3) ‘Adjusted’ (51.8%) with highly favorable attributes in all areas.
This study underscores the importance of supporting mothers of preschoolers in their personal, marital, and parenting roles and suggests targeted interventions for those facing specific challenges.
Key Words: parental calling, happiness, grit, meaning in life, positive parenting style, parent-child interaction, martial stability, martial communication, latent profile analysis
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