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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 45(4); 2024 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2024;45(4): 429-446.
doi: https://doi.org/10.5723/kjcs.2024.45.4.429
유아의 공격적 행동 감소를 위한 증강현실 및 교사컨설팅 기반 프로그램의 개발과 효과검증
김윤경1 , 오소정2 , 이동미3 , 박주희4
1평택대학교 아동청소년교육상담학과 조교수 및 연세대학교 생활환경대학원 강사
2연세대학교 아동·가족학과 박사과정생
3연세대학교 아동·가족학과 박사과정생
4연세대학교 아동·가족학과 교수
Development of an Intervention Program Based on Augmented Reality and Teacher Consultation to Reduce Aggressive Behaviors in Preschoolers
Yoon Kyung Kim1 , So Chung Oh2 , Dongmee Lee3 , Ju Hee Park4
1Assistant Professor, Department of Child & Youth Education & Counseling, Pyeongtaek University, Pyeongtaek, Korea; Lecturer, Graduate School of Human Environmental Sciences, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
2Ph. D. Student, Department of Child and Family Studies, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
3Ph. D. Student, Department of Child and Family Studies, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
4Professor, Department of Child and Family Studies, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
Correspondence :  Ju Hee Park ,Email: juheepark@yonsei.ac.kr
Received: June 15, 2024  Revised: July 31, 2024   Accepted: October 18, 2024
This study aimed to develop and evaluate an intervention program integrating augmented reality (AR) and teacher consultation to reduce aggressive behaviors in preschoolers.
Ten children aged 4-6 were randomly assigned to either an experimental group, which received the intervention, or a control group, which did not. The experimental group participated in 11 AR-based intervention sessions, supplemented by three teacher consultation sessions. Program effectiveness was assessed using the children’s hostile attribution ratings and teacher evaluations of their understanding of social rules, emotional regulation, and problem-solving skills. Data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon signedrank test and Mann-Whitney U test.
The program comprised two main components: (a) an AR-based intervention targeting hostile attributions, social rules, emotion regulation, and problem-solving skills; and (b) teacher consultations focusing on behavioral observation, aggression-reduction strategies, promotion of alternative behaviors, and evaluation of behavioral changes. The experimental group demonstrated reduced aggressive behaviors and hostile attributions, along with enhanced problem-solving skills and emotion regulation. In contrast, no significant changes were observed in the control group.
The integrated AR and teacher consultation-based intervention effectively reduced aggressive behaviors in preschoolers. AR technology proved beneficial in addressing cognitive limitations and provided a safe environment for practicing alternative behaviors, while teacher consultation facilitated the application of these skills in everyday contexts.
Key Words: preschoolers, aggressive behavior, intervention program, augmented reality, teacher consultation
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