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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 34(4); 2013 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2013;34(4): 105-123.
doi: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2013.34.4.105
유아-청소년 자녀를 둔어머니의 행복감 영향 변인: 자녀의 연령, 자녀수 및어머니 행복 조건에 대한 인식
정계숙 , 박수홍 , 유미숙 , 최은실
The Variables Related to Maternal Happiness for Mothers of Young Children, School-Aged Children ,and Adolescents : A Child`s Age, the Numbers of Children, and Maternal Perceptions of the Conditilons of happindess
Kaisook Chung , Suhong Park , Meesook Yoo , Eunsil Choi
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a child`s demographic varibles and maternal preceptions of the conditions of happiness on their happiness for mothers. The participants of this study comprised 916 mothers of young chileren, school-aged children, and adolesents. The resultsrevealed that a child`s age and the numbers of children influenced maternal happiness when mothers` demographic variables were controlled. In addition, mothers who exhinited high degree of need in terms of the conditions of happiness regarding existence, relatedness, and growh were morelikely to be happythan mothers who exhibited low degree of needs. Finally, the expectations regarding growth, which refers to the pursuit of self-accomplishment and meaning was the important predictor of maternal happiness. These finfings have implications for parent education prigrams for mothers of young children, school-aged children, and adolescents.
Key Words: maternal happiness, meaternal perceptions of the conditions of happiness, demographic variables
주요어: 어머니 행복감, 어머니 행복 조건에 대한 인식, 사회인구학적 변인
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