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The Korean Journal of Child Studies (KJCS) is the official publication of the Korean Association of Child Studies (KACS). The KACS is the nation’s largest academic organization in the field of child/adolescent studies, with approximately 2,300 members.
We have been in pursuit of mutual and professional knowledge exchanges, and social networking in academia and industry since 1979. The first edition of the KJCS was published in December 1980.
KJCS publishes peer reviewed empirical, theoretical articles, literature reviews, and case studies on all topics related to children and adolescents. The journal aims to provide advanced and qualified research findings in the fields of child/adolescent development and psychology, early childhood education and care, counseling, psychopathology and mental health, law and policy, children’s rights, child welfare systems, parenting and family relations, media, cross-cultural comparisons, and other related issues for scholars, educators, counselors, practitioners, specialists, and students.
KJCS publishes four issues per year: last day of February, May, August, and November, publishing online (immediately) and in print (1-2 weeks later). Articles are indexed or abstracted in the Korean Citation Index (KCI), Google Scholar, and CrossRef. The Journal is supported by a Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (KOFST) Grant funded by the Korean Government (MOSF & MSIP).