Korean Journal of Child Studies : The Effects of Paternal Participation in Child Care and Social Support on Planning for a Second Childbirth, Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Maternal Parenting Stress
Jonghoon Kim , Soyoung Yang , Jihyun Sung
Korean J Child Stud.2013;34(1):87-102. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2013.34.1.87
Contents : The Effects of Social Support of Friends and Relatives, Couple`s Characteristics, and Mother`s Parenting Characteristics upon Infant Development
Hyun Ju Lim , Hang Jun Choi , Seon Nyeo Choi
Korean J Child Stud.2012;33(2):91-109. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2012.33.2.91
The Mediational Role of Parenting Self-Efficacy and Behavior on Child Problem Behavior: Femaile International Marriage Immigrants and Their Children
Hyung Sung Choe
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The Effect of the Parent Variables, Home Environment Stimulation and Social Support on Poverty in Early Childhood
Jeong Mee Kim , Keum Joo Kwak
Korean J Child Stud.2007;28(4):305-317.
Child`s Self-Esteem: The Mediational Role of Mother`s Parenting Self-Efficacy by Child`s Gender
Hyung Sung Choe
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Participation of Mothers in the Internet Community: Relationship to Their Perceptions of Social Support and Parenting Efficacy
Mi Hye Kim , Hee Jin Kim
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The Mediational Role of Korean Mothers` Parenting Self-Efficacy: The Causal Relations Model of Parenting Behaviors
Hyung Sung Choe
Korean J Child Stud.2005;26(6):351-365.
Parenting Self-Efficacy, Social Support, Stress, and Children`s Temperament Among Korean Boy`s and Girl`s Mothers
Hyung Sung Choe
Korean J Child Stud.2005;26(1):317-328.