5 |
Relationships between Young Children's Day Care Experience and Their Attachment Relationships with Parents and Socioemotional Behavior Problems
Sook Ryong Kim
Korean J Child Stud.1997;18(2):5-18.
19 |
Assessment of Young Children's Story Construction from Picture Books
Jeong Joon Kim,Mi Sun Song
Korean J Child Stud.1997;18(2):19-32.
33 |
The Stability of Individual Differences in Child - Mother Attachment across 3 Year Peroids
Ung Im Park,Myoung Hee Yoo
Korean J Child Stud.1997;18(2):33-46.
47 |
The Relationship between Preschoolers' Friendships , Social Status , and Play Behaviors
Yoo Lim Shin
Korean J Child Stud.1997;18(2):47-56.
57 |
Methodological Implications of Hermeneutics for Qualitative Research on Children
Hae Ryung Yoo
Korean J Child Stud.1997;18(2):57-71.
73 |
The Role of Semantic and Syntactic Knowledge in the First Language Acquisition of Korean Classifiers
Kwee Ock Lee
Korean J Child Stud.1997;18(2):73-85.
87 |
A Study on Toys and Children's and Mothers' Perception of Toys
Sook Jae Lee
Korean J Child Stud.1997;18(2):87-103.
105 |
Video Game Experience and Children's Abilities of Self - Control and Visual Information Processing
Soon Hyung Yi,So Eun Lee
Korean J Child Stud.1997;18(2):105-120.
121 |
Topic Performance : A Cross - Cultural Study of Korean and American 3 - Year - Old Children
Soon Hyung Yi,Mi Young Sung,
Korean J Child Stud.1997;18(2):121-130.
131 |
A Study on the development of Criterion Scores for the Attachment Q - set in Korea
Young Lee,Kyung Ja Park,Yu Mee Rah
Korean J Child Stud.1997;18(2):131-148.
149 |
Parental Sociability , Parenting Behaviors , and Shyness in Children
Seung Won Chung,Hyun Sim Doh
Korean J Child Stud.1997;18(2):149-161.
163 |
Family Resources and Psychological Well - Being among Adolescents of Single Mother Families
Hyun Sook Chung,Dong In Suh
Korean J Child Stud.1997;18(2):163-176.
177 |
Symbolic Play Theories of Cognitive - Structural Aspects
Eun Jin Cho
Korean J Child Stud.1997;18(2):177-190.
191 |
Qulitative Research on Korean Children's Difficult Temperament as Perceived by Their Mothers
Hui Young Chun
Korean J Child Stud.1997;18(2):191-211.
213 |
The Present State and Perception of Worksheets for Young Children
On Kang Hyun,In Sook Kong,Young Joo Kim,Wan Jeong Lee
Korean J Child Stud.1997;18(2):213-228.
229 |
The Effects of Teacher's Scaffolding on Children's Verbal Communication in Dramatic Play
Young Sug Kim,Suk Ran Choi
Korean J Child Stud.1997;18(2):229-240.
241 |
Effects of Parent Effectiveness Training on Parental Awareness of Mothers
Hey Rhan Lee,Moon Ja Chung
Korean J Child Stud.1997;18(2):241-265.
267 |
Relationship Between Problem Solving Ability and Emotional Stability in Preschool Children
Kyung Mee Park,Nam Hee Woo
Korean J Child Stud.1997;18(2):267-282.
283 |
The Development of Verbatim and Gist Memory : Task Effects
Ha Na Song,Kyoung Sook Choi
Korean J Child Stud.1997;18(2):283-297.
299 |
The Effects of Teacher Inquiry Methods on Interpersonal Cognitive Problem Solving Ability
Sook Hyun Oh,Young Ok Kim
Korean J Child Stud.1997;18(2):299-310.
311 |
Preschool Children's Social Competency and Perceived Social Support
Jeong Jin Youn,Ock Boon Chung
Korean J Child Stud.1997;18(2):311-331.