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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 13(1); 1992 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 1992;13(1): 65-79.
철거촌 아동과 청소년의 권위 대상에 대한 인지
Social Authority as Perceived by Children and Adolescents Removed from Illegally Built Shacks
Soon Hyung Yi
The present study investigated perception of social authority by children and adolescents removed from illegally built shacks 181 children and adolescents from illegally built shacks and 200 comparative respondants of middle socioeconomic status were investigated. Perception of the social authority figures was classified by 5 categories(self, family member, neighbor, teacher and peer, social authority, collective member) in terms of contactable possibility and psychological distance. The data were analyzed by f-test. The results showed that (1) compared with their middle class peers(M group) children and adolescents from illegally built shacks(S group) perceived social authority figures positively, while they perceived their own family members less favorably. (2) The S group regarded their teachers as more valuable and able than M group. (3) The S group perceived social authority figures, i. e., statemen. polices, national assembly members. public servants and enterprisers, less favorably than their family members. (4) There were main effects of the age and sex variables of respondants. (5) There was an interaction effects between the age, sex and SES variables and was also interation effect between age, sex and task variables in cognition for the social authority figures. There was also an interaction effect between age and SES variables in perception for the personal traits of the social authority figures.
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