Korean Journal of Child Studies 2000;21(1): 141-161.
방과후 아동지도 시설유형별 교육환경 비교
A Comparative Study of the Environment of After - School Child Care by Type of Facility
Young Sook Seo,Young Yae Park,Jung Kyung Huh
This study examined the conditions and administration of 548 private, social welfare, and elementary school-based facilities providing after-school child care. The School-Age Care Environment Rating Scale developed by authors was administered to the teachers of these facilities. The rating scale consists of 84 items in 9 sub-areas. Seven point ratings were obtained for each item. One-way ANOVA confirmed differences between all items at the (p<.001) except for supplementary special needs items. The private facilities had the best environment for after-school child care except for staff development. The social welfare facilities showed good evaluation in staff-child interactions, activities, staff development and administration. The elementary schools obtained low evaluations except for supplementary special needs items. The evaluation of social welfare facilities was highest in Seoul and private child care facilities were highest in other areas.