Korean Journal of Child Studies 2000;21(2): 33-44.
인지도제적 범주화 훈련이 유아의 지적 수준에 따라 범주행동에 미치는 효과
The Effects of Cognitive Apprenticeship on Categorizing Behavior by Intelligence in Kindergarten Children
Hyun Joo Kim
In this study, a random sample of 111 six-year-old children were assigned to one of 3 experimental conditions: categorization training using cognitive apprenticeship, categorization training using metacognitive procedures, and no categorization training. Level of intelligence was measured by Raven`s(1986) Coloured Progressive Matrics(CPM). No difference was found between apprenticeship and metacognitive training in the high CPM children. In the middle and low CPM levels, cognitive apprenticeship training was more efficient than metacognitive training. This indicates that cognitive apprenticeship, which emphasizes the thinkaloud procedure of both the experts and the novice though modeling and coaching for self-implementation, is a more effective approach than the metacognitive approach for categorization in middle and low CPM children.