Korean Journal of Child Studies 2000;21(2): 99-118.
다면적 , 위계적 모델을 중심으로 본 초 , 중학생들의 자아개념 구조 분석
Structure of the Self - Concept of Korean Primary and Secondary School Students : Analysis by Multidimensional Hierarchical Model
Hyun Chul Cho
This study investigated the self-concepts of Korean students based on Marsh and Shavelson`s(1985) multidimensional hierarchical model. Reduced forms of the Self-Description Questionnaire(SDQ)-I and II were administered to 308 5th and 6th grade students and 718 7th to 9th grade students. Results of 2 factor analyses indicated that sub-scales 9 and 11 were well established for SDQ-I and -II, respectively, partly confirming the multidimensionality of self-concept. The factors involving distinctions between academic and non-academic higher-order factors and between the academic/math and the academic/verbal factors were not so differentiated nor hierarchically arranged as proposed by the model. These differences may be attributed to the heavy influence of the academic self-concept on the other subfactors. A Locality X Sex X Grade ANOVA showed main effects of locality favoring urban areas and of sex favoring boys.