Korean Journal of Child Studies 2000;21(2): 157-169.
전래동화에 나타난 도덕적 갈등상황의 토의활동이 유아의 대인문제 해결사고에 미치는 영향
The Influence on Interpersonal Cognitive Problem - Solving Skill of Discussion of Moral Conflicts Found in Traditional Fairy Tales
Myoung Hee Kim,Young Ok Kim
This study investigated the effects on interpersonal cognitive problem-solving skill of discussion with children of moral conflicts in traditional fairy tales. The subjects were forty 4-to 5-year-old children. The experimental group took part in discussion after hearing traditional fairy tales showing moral conflict, and the control group only listened to the fairy tales. Statistical analysis was by the SAS program. Conclusions were that discussion of moral conflicts found in traditional fairy tales brings about a positive result in children`s interpersonal cognitive problem-solving skill.