Korean Journal of Child Studies 2000;21(2): 45-56.
이야기 나누기를 통합한 쓰기 활동이 어휘의 다양성과 표현의 복합성에 미치는 효과
Integrating Writing Activity with Verbal Sharing: Effect on Diversity of Vocabulary and Complexity of Expression in Young Children
Byung Nae Lee
This study investigated the effects of writing activity integrated with verbal sharing on the diversity of vocabulary and complexity of expression in 33 five-year-old children attending a private kindergarten in Seoul. Subjects were divided into a control group of 16 children and an experimental group of 17 children. The experimental group participated in a 7 week program of writing activities integrated with verbal sharing time. The instrument used for the pre-and post-tests was the writing ability test(Nam Mi Jung, 1996) and the complexity of sentences test(Young Hee No, 1994). Data were analyzed by ANCOVA. The results revealed significant differences between the experimental and control groups in children`s diversity of vocabulary and complexity of expression.