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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 21(4); 2000 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2000;21(4): 227-241.
그림책에 의한 수학활동이 유아의 수학적 문제해결력에 미치는 영향
The Effect of Picture Book Based Mathematical Activities on Mathematical Problem - Solving Performance in children
Seok Youn Park,Kyoung Sook Choi
This study investigated the effectiveness of mathematical activities based on picture books for the development of children`s problem-solving performance. Subjects were 72 children divided in two groups of 36 each; one group had mathematical activities based on picture books and the other group had of pencil-and-paper tasks. The problem-solving performance was measured in terms of the test by Ward(1993) with a few modification for pretest and posttest. Mathematical activities were performed 12 times over a 6 week period. The data was analyzed by Analysis of Covariance(ANCOVA). The group taught by picture books significantly improved mathematical problem-solving performance.
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