아동의 문제 해결력 관련 변인 연구 |
김원경,권희경,전제아,우남희 |
Predictors of Problem Solving in Childhood |
Won Kyung Kim,Hee Kyoung Kwon,Jae Ah Jeon,Nam Hee Woo |
Abstract |
The present study examined variables relevant to problem solving in childhood to determine predictive contributions of such variables as parenting style, child`s temperament, self-esteem, depression, and self-efficacy. Subjects were 545 2nd, 4th, 6th grade elementary school children and their parents. Data were analyzed with bivariate correlation, multiple regression, and step-wise multiple regression. Results indicated that child`s temperament and self-efficacy were significantly correlated with problem-solving, and self-efficacy was the most critical predictor of problem solving. |