아동의 영역별 자아존중감에 대한 어머니의 지지 및 또래 수용도의 영향 : 단짝친구 지지의 중재효과 |
박경리,김경연 |
Effects of Mother`s Support and Peer Acceptance on Children`s Self - Esteem : The Moderating Effects of a Best Friend`s Support |
Kyong Lee Park,Kyong Yeon Kim |
Abstract |
This study examined the effects of mother`s support and peer acceptance on children`s domain specific self-esteem and the moderating effects of best friend`s support. The subjects were 272 4^th and 349 8^th grader in Chin-ju. Data were analyzed by the SAS/PC^+ program, including Cronbach`s α, Pearson`s correlation, multiple regression and two-way ANOVA. Findings were that peer acceptance had a higher influence on academic-general self, peer-related self, physical-appearance self, personality self and physical-competence self than did mother`s support. Mother`s support had a higher influence on home self than did peer acceptance. Best friend`s support and mother`s support interacted with children`s physical-appearance self and physical-competence self. Best friend`s support and peer acceptance interacted with student`s peer-related self. |