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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 22(4); 2001 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2001;22(4): 213-224.
유치원 실습지도교사와 교육실습생의 의사소통 과정 및 내용분석
Communication Processes and Contents of the Supervisory Conferences between the Cooperating Teacher and the Student Teacher in Kindergarten
Ae Ri Rhee,Eun Hye Park
This study was conducted to explore the communication processes and contents between cooperating teachers and their student teachers during student teaching conferences. To reach this purpose, five research questions were generated. 15 cooperating teachers and their 15 student teachers from 9 kindergartens located in Seoul and Ilsan city participated in the study. The conferences of each dyad were tape-recorded for further analysis. "Analyzing System for Interaction of Learning" designed by Thies-Sprinthall was used to analyze the data. The research findings were as follows: First, cooperating teachers talked more than the student teacher during the conference. Second, the cooperating teachers used more directive talk than indirective talk. Third, the speaking patterns of the student teachers revealed that student teachers express their opinions frequently(55.6% of total pattern). Fourth, cooperating teachers focused their remarks more on the instructional issues (48.5 %). The cooperating teachers emphasized on the operation of class(23.1%), other subject(12.3%), practical guidance(10.7%), self-assesment(5.4%) in order. Fifth, the most emphasized issue by student teachers was the instructional matters which was reported by 53.4% of the entire subjects.
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