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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 24(4); 2003 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2003;24(4): 29-40.
개인변인과 환경변인이 아동의 문제행동에 미치는 영향
The Effect of Individual and Environmental Variables on Children`s Problem Behavior
Ha Yeong Hui
Data were collected from 392 4th and 6th grade students by questionnaires and analyzed by Pearson`s correlation, ANOVA and multiple regression analysis. More problem behavior was reported by 4th than by 6th graders and by boys than by girls; the gender difference was larger in 4th than 6th graders. Low school satisfaction, authoritative parenting, male gender, and higher age predicted problem behavior. Within group variables that predicted problem behavior were low authoritative parenting, low school satisfaction. Male gender, and low self-control in the 4th graders ; low self-control and school satisfaction in the 6th graders; low authoritative parenting and school satisfaction in girls ; and low school satisfaction, higher age, and low self-control in boys.
Key Words: problem behavior, authoritative parenting, school satisfaction, self-control
주요어: 문제행동, 권위적인 양육태도, 학교생활만족도, 자기통제력
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