Children`s Intelligence, Concept of Conservation, and the Relations With Learning English
U Nam Hui , Kim Hyeon Sin
This study investigated the relations of children`s age, intelligence, and the concept of conservation to their learning of English. Ten 4-year-old children from 1 child-care center and 13 7-year-old children from 1 elementary school were tested after completion of 8 sessions of experimental English classes. Children`s intelligence was measured by K-WPPSI for 4-year olds and K-WISC for 7-year-olds. Children were tested for number and liquid conservations. A Korean teacher with 11 years of experience of teaching children at American elementary schools taught the 2 groups with the same subjects and methods. Data were analysed by independent samples t-test, Mann-Whitney U test, and Pearson`s r. The results showed that children`s age and the concept of conservation were related to English learning. No statistically significant relationship with IQ was found.