Korean Journal of Child Studies 2005;26(1): 137-154.
2세 영아의 어머니와 보육교사에 대한 복합 애착과 사회,정서적 행동
신지연 , 최석란
Effects on Socio-Emotional Behaviors of Multiple Attachments to Mothers and Child Care Providers in 2-year-olds
Ji Youn Shin , Suk Ran Choi
The socio-emotional behaviors of 2-year-olds were examined by multiple attachments to mothers and child care providers in the context of home and child care centers. Participants were 100 children (mean age : 30.2 months), their mothers, and 27 child care providers. Attachment security was assessed with attachment Q-set. Children`s social interaction with peers and teachers were rated every 10 seconds during 10 minute observation periods for 4 days, totaling40 minutes per child. Mothers and child care providers completed the Infant Toddler Socio-Emotional Assessment (ITSEA). Results showed that secure attachment relationships with child care providers partly compensated for insecure attachments with mothers at home. In the context of the child care center, secure attachments with child care providers were more important determinants of the development of socio-emotional behaviors than secure attachments with mothers.