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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 32(1); 2011 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2011;32(1): 13-29.
doi: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2011.32.1.13
유아기 손자녀를 둔 조모의 역할유형과 관련 변인들: 사회인구학적 특성, 조모-손자녀 접촉 정도 및 조모-모 친밀감
김재희 , 도현심
Types of Grandmothers with Preschool-Aged Grandchildren and its Correlates: Demographic Characteristics, Contacts between Grandmothers and Grandchildren, and Closeness between Grandmothers and Mothers
Jae Hee Kim , Hyun Sim Doh
The objective of this study was to identify role types as they pertain to paternal and maternal grandmothers based on four role dimensions. To this end, a sample of 416 mothers of preschoolers was used. This study also examined correlates of and differences in the type of grandparents in terms of paternal and maternal types of grandmothers. Data were analyzed by K-means clustering, Chi-square, and multi-nominal logistic regression analysis. Grandmothers were classified into five distinct groups: influential, supportive, authority-oriented, passive, and detached types. Maternal grandmothers seemed to be relatively more involved with their grandchildren than paternal ones. The type of grandmothers varied as a function of socioeconomic status, the number of grandchildren, and geographical proximity for paternal grandmothers, and mothers` employment status and the closeness between grandmothers and mothers for maternal grandmothers. The results imply that grandmothers are currently becoming more active in their grandchildren`s lives and that kinship in Korean society tends to lean to the maternal side.
Key Words: the type of grandmother, paternal and maternal grandmothers, contacts between grandmothers and grandchildren, closeness between grandmothers and mothers
주요어: 조모의 역할유형, 친조모와 외조모, 조모-손자녀 접촉 정도, 조모-모 친밀감
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