협동학습활동이 유아 기하 학습에 미치는 영향 |
권영례 , 이경진 , 신옥자 |
The Effects of Cooperative Learning on Children`s Understanding of Geometry |
Young Re Kwon , Kyung Jin Lee , Ok Ja Shin |
Abstract |
This study was carried out in order to better understand how cooperative learning effects the geometric understanding of young children. The geometry tasks used in the study included the geometric relationship between two dimensional shapes and three dimensional shapes, coordination, symmetry and transformation visualization and spacial reasoning. The subjects were composed of children aged five years and were taken from two kindergartens in a relatively new city close to Seoul. The experimental group of children the comparative learning in geometry. The comparative group of children were enrolled in a kindergarten that uses an the intergrated curriculum. The results indicated that cooperative learning impacted positively on the children`s understanding of geometry. The specific results are as follows: The scores that the experimental acquired were higher in terms of p <.001 level. than the scores of the comparative group studying the geometric relationships between two dimensional shapes and three dimensional shapes, coordination, symmetry and transformation visualization & spacial reasoning. |
Key Words:
Cooperative Learning, Grouping, Component of cooperative Leaning, Individual accountability, Geometry |
협동학습, 집단구성, 협동학습의 구성요소, 개인 책무, 기하 |