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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 34(1); 2013 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2013;34(1): 103-121.
doi: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2013.34.1.103
아동학회지 : 걸음마기 영아의 기질적 특성에 관한 어머니의 신념과 반응
윤기봉 , 박성연
Korean Journal of Child Studies : Korean Mothers` Beliefs Regarding Toddlers` Temperament, and their Reactions to What they View as Desirable and Undesirable Behavior
Ki Bong Yun , Seong Yeon Park
The purpose of this study was to explore Korean mothers` beliefs regarding their toddlers` temperament including what they believe constitutes desirable and undesirable behavior and their resulting reactions. Data were collected int the process of interviewing 50 Korean mothers of toddlers (whose average age was 34.1 Months and of which 54% were boys). Results revealed that mothers considered ``High-Sociality`` ``Positive Affect`` and ``High-Effortful Control`` as desirable temperaments whereas ``Negative Affect`` ``Under-Effortful Control`` and ``Low Sociality`` were considered to be undesirable temperaments for toddlers. Mothers cited the importance of child ``Sociality`` and ``Development`` ``Easiness of Parenting`` and ``Child Happiness`` as the reasons for their beliefs. While they considered ``Negative Affect`` ``Under-Effortful Control`` and ``Low Sociality`` to be undesirable temperaments citing ``Sociality`` ``Difficulty of Parenting`` ``Development`` and ``Child Safety`` as the reasons. Finally mothers were more likely to give verbal encouragement or physical encouragement such as hugging in responding to desirable behavior on the part of their child whereas they were more likely to give firm inhibition reasoning or inconsistent reaction to their child`s undesirable behavior. Many of the mothers` beliefs varied depending on the child`s gender. Results were discussed in relation to cultural perspectives.
Key Words: temperament, belief, toddler, mothers` reactions to temperaments
주요어: 기질, 신념, 걸음마기 영아, 기절에 대한 어머니 반응
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