아동문제행동 예방을 위한 부모교육 프로그램의 효과: 부모존경-자녀존중 부모교육을 기초로 |
도현심 , 김민정 , 신나나 , 박보경 , 최미경 |
The Effectiveness of a Parent Education Program for Preventing Children`s Problem Behaviors: Based on Respected Parents & Respected Children |
Hyun Sim Doh , Min Jung Kim , Na Na Shin , Bo Kyung Park , Mi Kyung Choi |
Abstract |
The present study employed a pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design to evaluate the effectiveness of a 16-week parent education program based on Respected Parents & Respected Children(RPRC). 124 mother were assigned. two groups, an intervention (n=62) group and a waiting (n=62) group. Mothers in the intervention group participated in the program. After termination of the preventive intervention, differences between pre- and post-tests were examined in maternal characteristics. (i.e., depression and anger, maltreatment and general parenting behavior, and parenting efficacy and stress) and preschoolers` aggression. The results indicated That mothers in the intervention group had greater reductions in self-reported negative characteristics. Mothers in the waiting group a1so reported significant decreases in anger, physical assault and permissiveness/neglect. There was no significant reduction in levels of aggression in the preschoolers. These findings support the argument that a parent education program based on RPRC can be very effective, especially in changing maternal characteristics positively that crucial to child outcomes. |
Key Words:
parent education program, maternal depression and anger, parenting, parenting efficacy and stress, preschoolers` aggression |
부모교육 프로그램, 어머니의 우울과 불안, 양육행동, 양육효능감과 스트레스, 유아의 공격성 |