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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 34(6); 2013 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2013;34(6): 97-122.
doi: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2013.34.6.97
아동의 부정적 정서표현에 대한 어머니 반응 척도 개발과 타당화
The Development and Validity of a Scale for Measuring Mother's Reaction to Children's Negative Emotions
Ji Hyun Oh
The aim of this study was to develop and validate measures of a mother`s reaction to children`s negative emotions. After construct factors of a mother`s reaction to children`s negative emotions based on the theoretical basis and existing scales were explored, the first preliminary items were extracted. After the content validity was confirmed by expert opinions, the second preliminary items were composed, and the initial survey was carried out. Using exploratory factor analysis, three principal factors and 21 items were revealed to be most suitable. The factors of the scale consist of emotion-coaching-reactions, oversensitive reactions, and emotion-minimizing-reactions, respectively. In addition, the reliability analysis and validation analysis of the scale was conducted, by means of surveying 413 elementary students. The internal coherence reliability and test-retest reliability were verified as was the general internal coherence and timing stability of the scale. There were three additional verifications to validate the scale. (1)For the evidence based on internal structure, the confirmatory factor analysis and convergent-discriminant evidence; this resulted in confirming the factor structure of the scale as being reliable. (2)In order to understand the relationships to other variables, the correlation analysis came in effect to the overall scale and each of its sub-factors, showing that they are significantly correlated with the scale of the child`s perception on rearing attitudes of the mother. (3)As for evidence based on the consequences of the test, the correlation analysis produced a result showed that sub-factors of the scale have as significant correlation with the child`s emotional intelligence and resilience.
Key Words: emotion-socialization, mother`s reaction to children`s negative emotions, development and validity of a scale
주요어: 정서-사회화, 아동의 부정적 정서표현에 대한 어머니 반응, 척도 개발 및 타당화
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