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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 35(3); 2014 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2014;35(3): 49-69.
doi: https://doi.org/10.5723/KJCS.2014.35.3.49
3, 4, 5세 유아의 공격행동에 대한 도덕 판단 및 정당화 추론과 틀린믿음 이해와의 관계
김유미 , 이순형
The Moral Judgment and Justification Reasoning in terms of Aggressive Behavior by 3, 4 and 5 Year Olds:The Relationship to Children`s False Belief Understanding
Yu Mi Kim , Soon Hyung Yi
The purposes of this study were (1) to investigate children`s moral judgment, justification reasoning in terms of aggressive behavior, and (2) it examined the relationship to false belief understanding. Children aged between 3 to 5 years(N = 120) participated in this study. Each child was interviewed individually and responded questions designed to measure his/her moral judgment and justification reasoning and false belief understanding. The 12 pictorial tasks consisted of selfish and altruistic intentions and three different types of acts (physical, verbal, relational) as responses to aggressive behavior. The results indicated that the kind of moral judgment used was different according to the intention and the types of acts. There were significant differences in children`s justification reasoning according to the age and the types of acts. There was a positive relationship between false belief understanding and moral judgment, justification reasoning. This paper also provided a detailed discussion of the results and recommendations in the context of more general cognitive developmental changes.
Key Words: aggressive behavior, moral judgment, justification reasoning, false belief understanding
주요어: 공격행동, 도덕 판단, 정당화 추론, 틀린믿음 이해
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