A Study on the Positive Effects of Forest Activities for Children from Economically Underprivileged Households on Their Emotional State, Life Satisfaction, and Ego-resilience
Min Hwa Kim
This study aimed to verify the positive effects of forest activities for children from economicallyunderprivileged households in local children`s centers and the effect of such activities on the protective factors of their development. One hundred and eighty five children participated in the Forest Activities Program, which conducted over a total 8 sessions. Pre-post tests of the subjective well-being scale, DAS, multiple life satisfaction scale, ego-resilience scale were conducted and the children then made picture stories during the program itself. The results of the analysis of differences between pre-post tests were as follows: first, the negative emotions of participating children decreased significantly. Second, the school-satisfaction and self-satisfaction levels of the participating children increased. Third the participating children`s positive perceptions of self and interpersonal relationships also increased through the forest activities. Finally, there were differences of the change types of picture stories that children created while they were participating in the program; and these divergences were related to the effectiveness of the program. These forest activities had positive effects upon the economically disadvantaged children who participated in this study. However, in order to increase the effects of such forest activities qualitatively, greater support for the active involvement of children is required.