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The Mediational Role of Parenting Self-Efficacy and Behavior on Child Self-Esteem: Female International Marriage Immigrant and Korean Mothers
Hyung Sung Choe
Korean J Child Stud.2009;30(5):245-262.
The Mediational Role of Parenting Self-Efficacy and Behavior on Child Problem Behavior: Femaile International Marriage Immigrants and Their Children
Hyung Sung Choe
Korean J Child Stud.2009;30(3):197-211.
Child`s Self-Esteem: The Mediational Role of Mother`s Parenting Self-Efficacy by Child`s Gender
Hyung Sung Choe
Korean J Child Stud.2007;28(3):77-100.
The Development and Validation of the Parenting Style Inventory(PSI)
Eun Jeong Kim , Young Ah Kim , Yu Jin Kim , Soo Jong Moon
Korean J Child Stud.2006;27(4):219-232.
The Mediational Role of Korean Mothers` Parenting Self-Efficacy: The Causal Relations Model of Parenting Behaviors
Hyung Sung Choe
Korean J Child Stud.2005;26(6):351-365.
The Influence of Mothers` Characteristics on the Creativity of Gifted and Non-gifted Preschool Children
Soon Bok Lee , Kwee Yeon Jeon
Korean J Child Stud.2005;26(3):77-96.
Parenting Self-Efficacy, Social Support, Stress, and Children`s Temperament Among Korean Boy`s and Girl`s Mothers
Hyung Sung Choe
Korean J Child Stud.2005;26(1):317-328.
Relationships among Mother`s Thinking Style, Parenting Self-efficacy, and Children`s Social Competence
Tai Hyong Moon
Korean J Child Stud.2002;23(6):49-63.
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