Korean Journal of Child Studies 2002;23(6): 49-63.
어머니의 사고양식 및 양육효능감과 유아의 사회적 능력과의 관계
Relationships among Mother`s Thinking Style, Parenting Self-efficacy, and Children`s Social Competence
Tai Hyong Moon
A total of 227 children and their mothers participated in this study of the relationships between mother`s thinking style and parenting self-efficacy and between parenting self-efficacy and children`s social competence. Data were gathered with Thinking Style Scale Questionnaire, Parenting Self-efficacy Scale, and Social Competency Scale: Preschool. Correlation and multiple regressions were used for data analyses. A statistically significant correlation between mother`s thinking styles and parenting self-efficacy and between mother`s parenting self-efficacy and children`s social competence emerged. That is, mothers whose thinking styles were legislative, hierarchical, and liberal had more parenting self-efficacy, and children whose mothers felt more confidence in their parenting had a higher degree of social competence.